
213, Pandav Nagar, New Delhi - 110091

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The Leela-Kovalam Hotel

January 2025
All Room Types

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Classic Double Room

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5 star
Beach Road, Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram
+91 9811256101
1 nights
  • Always enjoyed my stay with Hilton Hotel and Resorts, top class room service and rooms have great outside views and luxury assessories. Thanks for great experience.

    Lisa Kimberly

    5* Hotel- Sea Facing and at the Beach.

    Double and Triple occupancy rooms with all facilities including swimming pool, bar, discotheque and a relaxing ambience.

    Built on a rock-face and cradled between two wide sweeping beaches, this beach hotel offers a panoramic view of the famous Kovalam coastline and is only 15kms from Trivandrum Airport. The property is Kerala’s largest resort, which is spread over 44 acres and maintained with 182 guest rooms and suites. There is also an infinity swimming pool in the main building and is an ideal rejuvenation option for both mind and body.

    This 5 star deluxe resort, within array of superlative restaurants and lounges, also specializes in traditional Ayurveda treatment. All Beach-View guest rooms have private sundecks.

    Policies of The Leela-Kovalam Hotel

    Pets are allowed. Charges may apply.

    Amenities of The Leela-Kovalam Hotel

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    Frquently Asked Questions

    Maecenas vitae turpis condimentum metus tincidunt semper bibendum ut orci. Donec eget accumsan est. Duis laoreet sagittis elit et vehicula. Cras viverra posuere condimentum. Donec urna arcu, venenatis quis augue sit amet, mattis gravida nunc. Integer faucibus, tortor a tristique adipiscing, arcu metus luctus libero, nec vulputate risus elit id nibh.

    Sed a justo enim. Vivamus volutpat ipsum ultrices augue porta lacinia. Proin in elementum enim. Duis suscipit justo non purus consequat molestie. Etiam pharetra ipsum sagittis sollicitudin ultricies. Praesent luctus, diam ut tempus aliquam, diam ante euismod risus, euismod viverra quam quam eget turpis. Nam tristique congue arcu, id bibendum diam. Ut hendrerit, leo a pellentesque porttitor, purus arcu tristique erat, in faucibus elit leo in turpis vitae luctus enim, a mollis nulla.

    The Leela-Kovalam Hotel Kovalam-Trivandapuram, India

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