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Khajuraho and Kalinjar Fort


Day 01 –Depart from Delhi to Arrive at Khajuraho

Our representative will receive you at the Khajurahorailway Station. Transfer to you Hotel at Khajuraho. Check in and relax.

Towards evening, take a local tour of the townand visit the Eastern Group of Temples which are ideal to be seen in theevening. You may choose to take a stroll or hire bicycles which are availablefor the entire day for as much as Rs 50 a day. Khajuraho is not a very big cityand all the places can be covered on bicycle within less than 3 kms ofbicycling.

Day 02 –Khajurahoto Kalinjar Fort via Paann Wildlife Century and Rhanne Falls and Pandava Falls

Morning after breakfast, proceed for a drivetowards the Pandava falls and Rhanne Falls. Rhane Falls is like a George ofColorado of USA and free and violent fall of the river over a ridge can be seenfrom a highland. The majesty of the fall is extremely amazing and breathtaking. You need to be there to experience the real thrill. After this, take astroll into the protected wildlife forest of Panna Tiger Reserve. Up to about 1km inside the forest area lies the beautiful Pandava Falls and see how Pandavasmust have spent their time in exile at this area. Don’t miss the taste of thesweetest water which are 100% natural and falling from a cliff, seeping fromthe roots of the large trees which are on the cliff above. We bet you won’t getsweeter and tastier water than this anywhere in the world.

Post this, embark on your journey back towardsthe Kalingar fort where you can witness the beauty and secrets of the fort. Placeswhich will only make you wonder. Thereafter, drive back to your hotel inKhajuraho. Check in and spend the night.


Day 03 – Khaujuraho Temples (Western Group)

After an early morningbreakfast, visit the Western Group of temples. These temples are opened from5:30 am to 6:00 am depending upon the seasonal time and are worth a visit duringthe day, when the rising sunshine from the East, casts its rays on the idolsbuild into the temples, which are East Facing, to light the faces of theDeities, Gods and Goddesses.

After taking a tour of all thetemples, you may choose to return to your hotel or take a stroll to the market.

You will be given a drop to therailway station, and on the way, a little diversion will be taken towardsBenisagar Lake. You may spend some time admiring the lake after which a dropwill be provided towards the Railway Station.

Tour Concludes with a drop tothe Railway Station.

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